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Take a Break, Phil

I was reminded by my daughters the other day that I “finally” join the rest of the household in a “Pandemic Birthday” celebration. Actually, not just a pandemic birthday, but my pandemic birthday. Perhaps a kid-centric approach to a celebration, and yet, one that I couldn’t help but notice had notably shifted in focus and energy from last year’s. I mean, really notably. The world had not flipped completely upside down. I actually DID things last year. Went places. Unmasked. With people.

As I reflected on what I typically prioritize during my birth-weekend (one day never feels like enough for this extroverted introvert!), I really got the message loud and clear for this year’s birthday approach:

Take the day off, Melissa. Truly. Fully. And ask Phil to join you.

Deep, right? I thought so, but it’s okay if you aren’t quite feeling the ‘depth’ of that (yet). And it’s okay if perhaps you are wondering who Phil is, and if my husband knows about him. I get it. But stay with me. You’ll see.

I was born on February 2nd, Groundhog’s Day here in the US. And on this day each year, the most famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil of Punxsutawney, Pennsyvalnia, completes an annual ritual of poking his head up out of his burrow to let the entire country know if spring is on its way or if we‘ll endure six more weeks of winter. While I don’t fully plan my Midwestern seasonal-clothes-switcharoo around Phil’s recommendations, which is smart as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that Phil has only been accurate about 40% of the time, I do find it light, silly and well…my day.

While groundhogs don’t trigger many (any?) sexy bells and whistles, this birthday link to them has led me to believe they are one of my spirit animals. Yep, this recovering accountant believes in signs, spirituality and sinus rinses. (Not all related.) And for those of you who know me well, you know I don’t excitedly and voluntarily lean into anything, signs or not, rodent-related. But, like most things in life, I didn’t pick it.

Groundhogs represent a lot of me at the core. On the positive side, they symbolize hard work, safety and caution, community and family, kindness, and loyalty. And, the trickier parts of the groundhog’s symbolism for me—boundaries. As a helper and a peacemaker, it’s hard for me to create and hold boundaries. I can easily put my needs and time to the side in the interest of helping other people.

Cue my birthday campaign.

I’d like to let Punxsutawney Phil sleep in this year. This past (almost) year has been a ride, to say the least, and there a few turns still left in it. And that’s about all I’m feeling right now. So take a break, Phil. I’ll follow suit.

The data and research are there. I don’t need to be the 720th person to share with you all the fascinating and vital research around building resilience. We have all read that rest needs to be part of our regular routines. And yet the more challenging, anxiety-provoking and stressful our work and lives become, the more our tendency is to stay up later, get up extra early, and push through. Clients, kids and companions all have needs and wants. It can have any of us seeking an “Easy” button – or another cup of coffee.

So, my birthday wish for myself, Phil and you, is from the groundhog itself.

“Dig deeper to fully experience what you are feeling now. Get to the root of it and see where it takes you.” – Groundhog []

While I know there are many ways my pandemic birthday might look “lesser than” compared to last year, I can guarantee I will be making it even more powerful as I look at it from the inside out. And one of the top things I’m putting on my brownie cake this year is space to rest, and to ask myself what I want and what I need. On Groundhog’s day and into the full year ahead. Naps, better evening sleep and overall ease.

And I hope you will join me (and Phil). Find ways to rest. Challenge yourself to reflect on all the expectations you have historically met or patterns you have been a part of – and ask yourself, do you HAVE to do them right now? Can you take a day off? Maybe sleep in and relax? Give yourself some grace and find a little compassionate ease in navigating a life that is complicated and taxing right now.

And we can share some Ghirardelli Chocolate Brownies together. Sleep + Chocolate sounds like a pretty amazing pandemic birthday gift.


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