Like Miss Clavel’s line from one of my favorite children’s books, Madeline, you often know it before you can name it. But what do you need to do about it? Whether you or your leader:
• Need to make a shift in something – is it presence, communication, confidence, overall leadership impact – what?
• Represent an organization that wants to invest in the growth of your leaders
• Are an individual in transition or wanting to get “unstuck” from a current habit
Impact coaching is a partnership with you—to clarify and create the impact you want for your work, life and beyond.
heart-of-the-issue solutions
breakthrough insights
efficient application & integration
customized results
sustainable practices
How does it work?
Through the use of deep exploration and practical strategies, we:
• Identify the impact you want and need in your life
• Work to uncover the stories, practices and limitations that are holding you back
You might not know what those items are – but with stakeholder feedback, inquiry, observations, assessments and more, we build your awareness and create the change you desire.
What type of impact coaching is right?
Individual Coaching allows us to work one-on-one with a leader to get to the heart of their current behavior and create meaningful breakthroughs and shifts for impact. It’s focused, customized and real.
Dyad Coaching is an ideal approach for shifting dysfunctional working conflicts into high-performing and necessary collaborative relationships, e.g., when two individuals (often a leader and their direct report, or two leaders of the executive team) spend more time talking about one another to other people than engaging in direct, collaborative and curious communication.