
Photography by Margo
I have been an executive coach and leadership facilitator for over 15 years, trained by the Hudson Institute of Coaching of Santa Barbara, helping clients identify, clarify and reach their goals.
And once upon a time, I was a CPA. Everything I did added up (no pun intended.) I had the education, the experience and a hard-won career at a Big 4 firm. And yet, there was a gap.
That gap related less to accounting standards (the accountants out there will get that ‘gap’ reference) and more about an inner sense that something was not working - my strengths and skills weren’t completely aligned to my purpose. So, in 2004, I made the leap to follow that inner voice that nudged me to make a shift. I moved to San Francisco where I launched my business, fell in love, got married and started a family. And experienced a few earthquakes along the way, literally and figuratively.
What does that have to do with leaders? Everything.​
I know what it feels like to walk through a fog of unknown. It can be one of the hardest periods of times (kryptonite if you are anything like me). And yet, every leader walks through that fog at some point. Sometimes it is a similar transitional uncertainty around what’s next for their career, and other times it relates to leading a big strategic initiative that feels overwhelming.
The good news is – you don’t have to go it alone. I was lucky enough to meet an executive coach who partnered with me during ‘Operation Fog’ (yes, San Francisco has a bit of that too) and helped me get intentional about what was working in my life, how I was getting in my own way, and what goals I wanted to set for myself.
Navigating myself through the fog of discomfort allowed me to find my congruent truth and create the life I am so grateful to call mine. That life is in the Chicago area, where I live with my husband and three daughters, attend as many Broadway shows as possible, cheer on sports teams that aren’t quite consistent, and do work that completely lights me up.
Life is too short to ignore what's important.
Once the fog gets lifted, the next steps become more attainable and concrete. That’s the CPA talking – getting practical and strategic about the impact and life you want.